You need to continue to advertise to get the message out to the masses that you are wanting to see results. The advertising will help everyone, but there needs to be a reason they signup and return to your site. One of my new sites has it all . . . solos, credit mailer, surfing, and ppc and more. This is real exciting having it all in one place. The mailers will not be working until we enlist at least 100 people so there is a reason to send. When you come on board bring your buddies too. Click here
The faster we grow the more you will get out of the site. I forgot what it was like starting at the beginning. The other site has almost 400 people still working on that one too. Progress comes with growing just like moving your promotion along it takes lots of persistence. We know after a time we will see results and that is the plan of action. Mighty good intentions bring success, don't give up because the time and money you have already put in will be wasted.