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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Truth Hurts Sometimes . . .

It is hard to take criticism but sometimes we have to take it and change to make our successful steps continue. 

We have to be a big kid and understand everyone has opinions. 
If they are made in a good way then listen and try to understand what the other person is saying. Do not retaliate with awful comments, because people will remember.

I would rather someone tell me what they need and find a way to change. 

When you are the teacher than it is your responsibility to help your students. 

Praise goes a long way to getting people to respect and to earn their trust.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Here Comes Mr Freeze


Weather says we can expect at least 3 inches of snow but they will tell you that it is real tricky nailing it right in the south. I mean what does it really matter if it does come. 

The weather behind Leon will be in the 60's so we will be back to comfortable. Strange winter weather 3 ugly days and then 3 wonderful days what a yo-yo combo.

The only danger is the ice storm taking out the power which is usually what happens. Snow is not much concern. Just keep the fireplace going and then you have warmth and a way to cook a snack.

I know everyone is so ready for Spring, but if you must Let It Snow!

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday the Beginning of Our Weekend!

I found this in an email today, and wanted to share. 

This builds your back links for you to your site. 

All they ask is that you post their link to others in social sites.

It will build 1906 back links automatically, just put in the url of your site that you want them to go to.

Continue to build traffic to your site using what the internet gives you.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Is Your Computer Running S-l-o-w . . .

I was so ready to throw my computer out the window.

It was running so slow, it was impossible to get anything done. 

It was wait to finish as it had it's own timetable that had nothing to do with mine. 

I wanted to get it done quickly and the computer was not co-operating. 

My friend introduced me to a program that solved that problem. 

Tune-up Utilities will clean the junk and clean your registry among other things.  
It is pretty simple and fast to get it on your machine.

When you add the key code the program is updated and you can use it forever. 

Great program to use after a full day of working, set it and keep the speed up for the next day. 

I have since introduced it to my friends and they say the computer runs like a dream. What a difference.

Sometimes the dinosaurs need to be revamped until we can purchase a new computer and this is the tool to do just that.

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Monday, January 20, 2014

Mirror Other Blogs to Help Yours Succeed

It just makes sense if you are going to blog and you want traffic. 

Blogger blogs give you an incentive, what is it? When you post it will automatically be sent to your google+ for you. 

This speeds up the traffic to your blog. 

There are other things that will drive traffic too. Using trackbacks from other blogs will help both, you will get traffic from the permalinks that are on others blogs. What is a trackback? This blog post explains simply. It would be as you cc to someone in your email.

Use your label tags that is what helps people find you in Google and other search engines. Not a hard thing to do it is something people forget and this will help build traffic.

Posting consistently is another key factor  getting your blog current in the search engines. Think about your people following your blog they want to see new content and will continue to visit. We do not want to watch the same movie we are waiting with anticipation for the sequel to come out.

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Friday, January 17, 2014

I See Your Site!

Sometimes it is a lot easier to show someone on their own computer. 

With a special program called Team Viewer you can transport yourself to their desktop and show them using their cursor to explain. 

A tool that will endear itself to you for all the simplicity of teaching someone. 

The program does not cost you, when you are logged in give the  other person the numbers and one time password. 

They are ready for you to show them what they have questions about. 

Next time you have something that will be easier for them watch then explain, remember this tool.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Catchy Title Will Capture Peoples Attention

I am sure you are like me we go to the emails and prepare our swipe file. A swipe file is where you put titles to use later.

We take the titles that capture our attention and put them in the swipe file for future use.

You can do the same with email copy. Some people can write in a way that it will demand attention. Find out what is inside that copy and learn how to make it your own. 

Determine the hot words and use them in your title and copy. 

If you can put in some keywords in your title that will help you get into the top rankings of the search engines. 

Be dutiful in your writing the title spurs them to read, you need to write so they will want more and more. 

You can use the headline analyzer to get your top-notch titles. Insert them and get the information. Make sure they are what you really want to advertise. 

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Communication is Key!

It's okay to build your list but remember followup will keep them with you. 

If you have taken the challenge to build then continue to communicate with your people. 

Schedule broadcasts to inform them of new tools you have come across that work well. 

Building a relationship takes time, remember when your best friend was just a new person introduced to you. The closeness comes with time and secrets shared. It does not happen overnight. 

Building a fortress with your list is a time consuming trend. Be ready to be there for the long run. 

If you can only communicate with email that is all right. If you can touch base with the telephone that is great too. 

Leave your contact information for all your team members if they need to find out something you will be available.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

I Found Another One . . . Just Because

Are you using a html editor? 

I had one that was always ready when I was. 

I went to the site and it was hacked and not useable. 

Back to the beginning looking for another. 

Here is the link to another good one it is free to use and very 
handy to change text to html code when a safelist calls for it. 

This is a tool that you will find yourself using time and time again.

A very handy "what you see is what you get"  wysiwyg editor, 
this is easy for newbies and people that have been online 
for a good long time.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Are You an Exceptional List Builder?

Are you a list builder? You need to be . . . 
You really want your biz to grow! This is a crucial step. 

Join us and learn how to be an exceptional list builder. 

Click here!

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Monday, January 6, 2014

What is YOUR Recipe for Success?

Why do you own a business? Isn't it because you want a Lifestyle? You didn't intend to work long hours, be stressed, have little time off.

Isn't it time you made some changes for the better? After all, if you want to change some things in your life, you have to change some things in your life.

Business is all about people isn't it?  So what's the best way to learn about other people? Easy, learn about yourself! You're a person and the more you learn about yourself the more you automatically learn about other people.

There are so many principles to business success. One is, you're in business to make a profit, which gives you a Lifestyle. Improve what you are doing, how you answer the phone, how you write your ads, how you work with your down line.

When you have a goal its time to look at the relevant strategies for your business.  Strategies are like tools. If you go to build a house with just a hammer, a saw and nails you will be building it for a long time. Business is the same. When people don't know what strategies are available or suitable to them how can they effectively grow their business? 

TEAM stands for Training Everyone Achieves More!  Stay in touch and answer questions, let them know what is working for you and let them use the same tools. Add your personal information so they can reach you when they come to a tough situation or problem.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's here the new year!!! 

Happy New Year 2014 

What is in store for you in a fabulous new year?

Have you made up your mind to be successful in all you do? 
Including your marketing agenda. 

If you want to make money then you need to treat 
this as a biz not a hobby.

Whatever you strive to do you can do it. With the right 
attitude and consistent work it will happen for you!

Seriously how many folks make resolutions and then totally
forget them. If you write them down then follow through.

I am so waiting for Spring and I am already planning my 
planting schedule with a greenhouse in the mix to keep
my wild bunnies out. 

The strawberry plants never got to produce last year 
because the wild bunnies thought they were delightful.

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